
Re-doing the dining nook budget friendly – part two

A few weeks ago I posted about re-doing the dining nook: I painted the walls dark blue, and gave the table and chairs a new finish so they would better match the antique bench I inherited from my grandma. Today I’ll give you a brief update about the dining nook as I added some additional color :)

I always wanted to have a wall which is painted in a dark color – I just love how the dark background makes other colors stand out and by just adding small bright color spots you get a huge affect e.g. these lovely yellow daffodils!

I’ve mentioned before that I love copper, so when I stumbled across these copper polka dot wall stickers by Polka Dot Wall Stickers Inc. I just knew they would look amazing on a dark blue wall (btw when I bought those neither the dining nook nor the dark blue wall existed, it was just all in my head hahaha).


I decided to go with an assorted size pack as I preferred to have different sizes of polka dots. I kinda pictured a copper polka dot explosion which is exactly what I tried to do. The wall stickers are super easy to use, you just peel them of and stick them on the wall. Although the dining nook has woodchip wallpaper the stickers stick quite well to the wall – a few stickers fell of the first night but since then everything stayed in place. 


And I just love how it turned out! What do you think?