
Best breakfast smoothie ever

As mentioned before I’m not a morning person at all or tob e more precise I’m a morning person only on weekends or when I can sleep in :) I love snoozing and I always plan in some extra snoozing-time when setting my alarm. 

I’m always on a tight schedule but not having breakfast is not an option especially when I know I won’t be able to snack on something till lunchtime. So my morning routine includes making a smoothie and taking it to-go as I leave the house. I have tried various options over the last years and figured out that an all fruit option contains too much acid for my “morning” stomach. 
Today I’m sharing with you the smoothie recipe which I have been using these past weeks – it’s easy peasy and super yummy!

What you need:

- some fruits – I usually go with one banana and/or a handful of strawberries (especially as it is strawberry season at the moment)
- 1.5 cups milk or soy milk
- 2-3 tbsp oatmeal
- 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate (optional)
- 1 tbsp peanut butter (optional)

Just through everything in a blender and mix it well. If you want to add some chocolate I recommend doing it at the very end so that there are some bigger pieces of chocolate left. Enjoy!