
Best Apple Pie Ever: Bacon Apple Pie

I don’t know if I mentioned it before but I am a huge bacon-manic! I just love bacon and I think it fits with almost every dish. Having bacon pancakes with syrup in the morning is just about the perfect way to start the day :)

Bacon and apples are a perfect mix – sweet and salty at the same time. So I decided to make a bacon apple pie! As I’m not so familiar with making a pie crust from scratch yet I decided to go with a regular short crust instead.

You need:

  • 2.5 cups flour + some extra flour 
  • 1 cup butter (coldish) 
  • 0.5 cups sugar 
  • 4 apples 
  • 10 slices of bacon 
  • cinnamon 
  • maple syrup 

For the dough mix butter, flour and sugar. The dough shouldn't be too sticky or too dry. If it is too sticky add a bit more flour. Afterwards let it rest in the fridge for about 30 min. You can of course also use a ready-made pie crust instead.

While the dough was resting I fried 2 slices of bacon until they were super crunchy and crumbled easily. Afterwards I peeled the apples and cut them into small pieces. I added them into the same pan with the bacon crumbs. Then I softed the apples for about 15 min on medium heat (if possible use a lid on top of the pan). I added some cinnamon for the flavor and some flour to soak up the extra liquid.

While the pan with the apple-bacon mix was sitting on the stove I prepared the bacon topping. On a sheet of baking paper I arranged the bacon in a grid-like pattern. Before putting the bacon into the oven I sprinkled a bit of maple syrup over it. Depending on your oven, the bacon needs about 10 min at 300°F. It shouldn’t be super crispy yet as it will be baked again with the apple pie.

In the meantime I rolled out the short crust and spread it in a baking pan. The short crust needs to be blind baked for about 15 min at 340°F. Afterwards add the apples and carefully place the bacon-grid on top. Bake for another 25 min (if you are using a ready-made crust follow the instruction on the package). 


Bon Appetite – I hope you enjoy the bacon apple pie as much as I did!